Did you know...
• When you give to KIDZARK Art & Drama Clubs, 93% of your money goes to help the Ukrainian refugees and only 7% goes to AGWM for administrative costs. That’s a pretty good ratio.
• Your donations help us in many ways. We leave between $5,000 and $10,000 with the clubs to be able to purchase art and drama supplies for at least 2 years (that’s the goal right now). This money can be used for other specific needs, such as renting of rooms and permits (outdoor or indoor) the group might need. Your donation also helps us to travel to the Ukrainian communities in Europe to train the adults to work with the children.
• There is an accountability program in place to help the recipients know what to purchase at the best prices and to keep us apprised.
• Giving through Assemblies of God World Missions is secure and safe. . . .and, of course, it's tax deductible.

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